

五旬節聖潔會應邀於2014年11月21日(五)派出四人隊伍參加浸大高爾夫球日,四人組全男班全來自永光堂,隊伍取名PHC Team,為五旬節聖潔會創造了歷史,因為這是五旬節聖潔會首次派員參加這項由浸會大學舉辦的慈善活動。五旬節聖潔會既捐出港幣HK$34,500作為「金贊助」,同時也捐出HK$16,000贊助活動廣告板。

PHC Team雖然未能取得奬項,卻取得僅次於三隊獲奬隊伍的最佳成績,而且一隊四人也也在當天享受了美好的團契。浸會大學是次活動共籌得一百五十萬元,將全數撥入大學基金,資助浸會大學的發展項目。

PHC Team
PHC Team

Participation in the Hong Kong Baptist University Golf Day 2014

On the invitation of the Hong Kong Baptist University, Pentecostal Holiness Church formed a team of four to join the Golf Day on 21 November 2014. The PHC team consisted of four members, all from Wing Kwong Pentecostal Holiness Church. The team made history as this is the first time PHC sending a team to take part in this charity event. The Church contributed to a Gold Sponsorship by making a donation of HK$34,500. Besides, the Church also sponsored an advertising board with HK$16,000.

The PHC team got the highest scores just next to the second runner-up. Close to getting a team prize, our brilliant golfer team had a great time of fellowship in the HKBU Golf Day. We also understand that the University raised HK$1,500,000 from the Golf Day and the proceeds were credited to the Hong Kong Baptist University Foundation to support the University’s development projects.