
Letter from Frank Tunstall

27 May, 2015

Dear Pastor Donavan:


Lu and I thoroughly enjoyed our stay in Hong Kong and the excursion to China.

Among the speakers who addressed the conference, yours and the speaker from Pakistan made the greatest impact on me. And, how will we ever forget the meal on the opening night. Actually it was more than a meal. It was an experience of a lifetime. THANK YOU!

I am also writing to express our deep appreciation for the way Celia Cheng, truly an angel, stayed close to Lu and me and ministered to us both in Hong Kong and in Beijing, as well as after we’ve returned home. Sometimes we really do entertain angels unawares (Hebrews 13:2), and we were blessed to associate with a choice one. We will never forget her; she truly has the spiritual gift of hospitality.

I understand that my book, The Simultaneous Principle, has been translated into Chinese. If it would be possible, I surely would love to have a copy in Chinese for my library.

My book, Our Awesome Lord, has been translated and published in Spanish, and we are now searching for a translator who can help us get it published in French. The goal is to reach out to the thousands of French speaking brothers and sisters in IPHC in West Africa, as well as beyond. Williard Wagner leads our work in West Africa. He tells me how hungry these brethren are for study material by IPHC authors; they have so little.

May the Lord continue to bless your leadership in Hong Kong, and your continuing influence on His kingdom around the world. And, may your personal anointing only increase in the days ahead.


Frank G. Tunstall, D. Min.

8330 Willow Creek Boulevard

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73162